All Publications

Showing 1 - 8 of 8

Key Considerations When Developing Legal Terms and Conditions for Financial Services APIs

Template for contracts regulating the provision of application programming interfaces
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services and Risk Management Handbook

Comprehensive guide to the risks associated with implementation of digital financial services
Case Study

Emerging Risks to Consumer Protection in Branchless Banking: Key Findings from Colombia Case Study

Protecting users and mitigating risks in the use of mobile financial services in Colombia

Code of Conduct for Mobile Money Providers

Establishing common business principles for mobile money service providers
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services Risk Assessment for Microfinance Institutions: A Pocket Guide

Providing risk mitigation strategies to MFIs interested in delivering digital financial services

Standards and Practices Report for Electronic and Mobile Payments

Analyzing the electronic and mobile payments market to suggest an expansion framework to USAID

M-Bureaus: M-Banking's Next Killer Application?

Examining potential use of mobile transaction data in credit reference bureaus

Managing the Risk of Mobile Banking Technologies

Dealing with the risk of mobile financial services