The Effect of Microfinance Ecosystem on Financial Inclusion in Egypt
The aim of this paper is to identify areas of improvement in the Egyptian microfinance ecosystem that can allow low-income people to be financially included.
Financial Inclusion in the UK 2024
This publication presents the findings of a rapid review of the state of financial inclusion in the UK. It covers everyday banking services, credit, savings and investments, pensions, insurance and problem debt.
Achieving Full Financial Inclusion in the UK
This report summarizes the findings of primary research with people with lived experience of financial exclusion, and stakeholders with a professional interest in financial inclusion.
The Microenterprise Mela - Size & Diversity of the Microenterprise Sector in India
This document combines data from the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises with M-CRIL’s 40+ years of experience studying every aspect of microenterprises in India and in a dozen other countries in Asia as well as to some extent in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa and other countries.
The IMF Has Raised the Alarm Bell on Pakistan’s Microfinance Sector. Where Does It Stand?
This concern is not new; the microfinance sector has been grappling with severe challenges for a couple of years.
An Impact Assessment of Microfinance in Cambodia
This impact assessment aims to understand the success and overall impact of the microfinance sector since the start-up of the microfinance program in Cambodia up to today.
60 Decibels Global Microfinance Index Reveals New Findings in Landmark 2023 Report
60 Decibels listened to more than 32,000 microfinance clients, bringing their complete Microfinance Index dataset from 2022 & 2023 to more than 50,000 clients globally — more than 1 million unique data points.
The Six Village Story – India: An Assessment of the Real Gap in Financial Inclusion
This study intends to unpack the on-ground status of financial inclusion in six villages in India.
Advancing Livelihoods Through Financial Inclusion in Iraq
This report provides an overview of the target market and enabling environment for the financial services industry in Iraq.
Low-Income Financial Services Market Sizing and Fintech Assessment: Peru Country Report
This study presents the findings of research to establish the status of access to finance for MSEs and the size of the credit market across four different geographies, including Peru.