Building Women’s Climate Resilience: A Case Study Series - Village Enterprise
This Brief is part of a series of case studies documenting work done by FinEquity community members to increase women’s climate resilience.
Designing Cash Transfer and Graduation Programs to Support Women’s Economic Activity: Synthesis of Recent Literature
This review summarizes the impact of such interventions as graduation programs and cash transfers, as well as variations in design and delivery, on economic, and non-economic outcomes among female recipients.
Graduation Compendium: Building a Common Understanding of Graduation Programmes in the Uganda Refugee Response
This compendium is designed to inform the dialogue of humanitarian and development actors around the graduation concept applied in the refugee response in Uganda and provide an overview of ongoing projects.
Designing and Delivering Government-Led Graduation Programs for People in Extreme Poverty
This paper shares insights and learning from four non-governmental organizations on the potential to scale up government-led Graduation programs for people living in extreme poverty.
Poverty Alleviation and Interhousehold Transfers
Building Resilience in Real Time
Organizations implementing the graduation approach need tools to manage their different program components effectively. Mobile and cloud technology are helping them to support poor women on their path out of poverty.