
Smallholder Diaries: Building the Evidence Base with Farming Families in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Pakistan

How do small-scale agricultural producers manage their money?

Researchers interviewed 270 total families in Mozambique, Pakistan, and Tanzania every two weeks for an entire calendar year, tracking their income, expenses, and agricultural production. The result was approximately 500,000 data points, combined with rich personal stories, about the challenges these families face - related to agriculture, finance, and other areas of life such as health and education.

The Smallholder Diaries provide a deep view of how smallholders are affected by the agricultural cycle and manage their money in response to its ebbs and flows, as well as point to ways that financial service providers might better meet smallholders’ needs. While the Smallholder Diaries methodology and sample size are not statistically representative of all smallholder families in a given country, the findings from the Smallholder Diaries have global implications for the smallholder household sector. 

About this Publication

By Anderson, J., Ahmed, W.