Where Do We Go Now?
The global coronavirus pandemic has upended the financial inclusion sector. The challenges have been immense, and the full scale of the cost - to families, businesses, institutions - is not yet known. To understand the impact on the sector, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) conducts a yearly survey with a range of stakeholders and shares the findings through its flagship publication, the Financial Inclusion Compass.
This year's survey looks beyond the impact of the pandemic and focuses on issues related to current trends in the sector and future areas of focus. In addition, a special section offers insights from respondents about the perceived impact of the pandemic, the changing roles of various stakeholders, and opportunities for "building back better".
This webinar, hosted by the European Microfinance Platform in partnership with FinDev Gateway, explores findings from the survey.
The webinar was led by Sam Mendelson, Financial Inclusion Specialist at e-MFP and lead author of the Compass series, joined by Antonique Koning, Senior Financial Sector Specialist at CGAP, Malkhaz Dzadzua, former CEO of JSC MFO Crystal in Georgia, and Noémie Renier, Head of Debt for Financial Institutions at Incofin Investment Management.
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Speaker Bios

Antonique Koning
Antonique has more than 20 years of experience working on a range of topics related to microfinance and financial inclusion and currently serves as CGAP’s Gender Lead. Antonique has expertise in consumer protection and responsible finance, customer centricity and empowerment. She is also involved in CGAP’s member engagement.

Malkhaz Dzadzua
Malkhaz is the former CEO of the JSC MFO Crystal, one of the leading microfinance organizations in Georgia. He has over 25 years of management experience in financial inclusion and MSME development and is an internationally certified expert in microfinance and risk management. Malkhaz also serves as a board and steering committee member of several NGOs, local and international networks and expert groups.

Noémie Renier
Noémie has over 12 years’ experience in the financial sector focusing on the microfinance/inclusive finance industry both as investment manager and risk manager. She has conducted due diligence in more than 35 countries and developed expertise in assessing debt, equity and portfolio guarantee transactions.

Sam Mendelson
Sam Mendelson is Financial Inclusion Specialist at the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) overseeing various research, knowledge, communications and sector-building across e-MFP's different financial inclusion research streams, and supporting coordination of the annual European Microfinance Award, including as continued lead author of the European Dialogue.