Financial Inclusion in India
India is a country in South Asia. On this country page, you can find key financial inclusion knowledge resources and data available specifically for India, including the latest publications, news and events.
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Key Financial Inclusion Data
The charts below, based on the latest available Global Findex data, explore key financial inclusion trends in India. Find out how the country compares to others in the region and across the globe on important aspects of financial inclusion such as account ownership and usage, the gender disparity in financial inclusion and financial resilience.
Editor's Picks
A new pilot explores the possibilities for agents in rural India to include assisted e-commerce among the services they offer.
Digital financial services are helping drive financial inclusion, but infrastructural barriers remain.
Understanding how different consumer behaviors affect adoption rates can help financial inclusion practitioners fine-tune their efforts.
News & Events
Members of the financial inclusion community contributed the following news and events.
Gender Focused Human Resource Management & Female Customer Financial Literacy Improvements
Svasti India: Improving the Customer App
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