Case Study

Building Women’s Climate Resilience: A Case Study Series - Village Enterprise

Insights from Village Enterprise: Addressing Climate Shocks that Impact Women’s Poverty Graduation in East Africa

Financial inclusion can play a critical role in enabling autonomous adaptation and building grassroots resilience to climate change, especially for women.

The Village Enterprise Kenya West Pokot project has adapted the Graduation Approach to help women build climate-resilient livelihoods, increase production, income levels, nutrition, and the inclusion of gender in climate-smart local government policies and regulations in targeted communities. Choosing climate-proof livelihoods, increasing savings requirements, offering access to emergency credit and new tools/technologies with are improving climate resilience of the women in the program.

This FinEquity Brief is part of a series of case studies documenting work done by FinEquity community members to increase women’s climate resilience. It highlights initiatives that are deliberately addressing the gendered impacts of climate change—from how they assessed women’s needs, their gender sensitive design process, and the experiences with implementation. This series aims to inspire financial service providers and other stakeholders to start addressing the specific financial service needs of women in the face of climate change.

About this Publication

By Nandini Harihareswara and Lucy Kaaria